Nintendo has given us a sneak peak at this highly anticipated title.
Tag: nintendo switch
CEO of Atlus Commments on Nintendo Switch, 3DS and Branding
Interesting stuff!
RUMOR: Raving Rabbids & Super Mario RPG Crossover for Switch
Nintendo and Ubisoft are making a Raving Rabbids and Mario RPG crossover?
RUMOR: New Version Pokémon Sun and Moon Coming to the Switch
A mainline Pokémon game may finally be coming to a Nintendo console.
Nintendo Trademarks Wave Race in Europe
Nintendo’s long-dormant racing series may be making a comeback.
RUMOR: Nintendo Switch Launch Software Includes Mario and Splatoon
Nintendo rumored to be prepping a launch with their best and brightest.
RUMOR: Zelda: Breath of the Wild May Not be a Launch Title
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild may not be a Nintendo Switch launch title.
[OPINION] – How The Nintendo Switch Could Be Attractive
Let’s hope for the best for this new hardware.
INTERVIEW: Jon Hibbins on Nintendo, Crystal Rift, and the Future
Jon Hibbins discusses about possibly developing for the Nintendo Switch, porting Crystal Rift to PSVR, and the future of Psytec Games Ltd.
Nobunaga’s Ambition will be Coming to Nintendo Switch
A show of support for Nintendo’s new console.
Nintendo Switch Presentation Will Occur on January 12
How much will it cost?
Nintendo Switch Will Not Support 3DS Carts or Wii U Game Discs
I was expecting this when I saw the carts.
Unreal Engine 4 Support Confirmed for Nintendo Switch
The Nintendo Switch is officially Unreal!
PR: Nintendo Download for 10/20/16
Get ready to pop some sales!
Nintendo Reveals Nintendo Switch, Coming March 2017
It sure is portable!