We here at oprainfall don’t just love video games: we’re big fans of anime, manga, and light novels, too. So in celebration of the medium, we’re here to give you our thoughts on what we’ve been watching and reading each week as we enjoy them. Old, new – anything goes.
Currently Airing:
Dark Gathering
Having secured a home to keep their graduates and a new target, the gang decided to go pick up a graduate in hiding. This one was placed by Yayoi in a haunted love hotel, which is fitting for what we learn about this new graduate. One thing I have liked about the series is the set up of the haunted places and of the spirits themselves. I will say as bad as what happened at the hotel, I think it’s still not as terrible as what was shown to have happened at the house Yayoi and Eiko went to before this. Not surprisingly, Keitaro was the target, but I did like that he did most of the confrontation by himself. I am excited to see this new graduate in action, and liked its dialogue/threats with Keitaro. While I don’t think it really was a surprise when you have a series about the supernatural, the discussion at the end of the episode I think will bring some interesting stuff in the future. – Walter
— You can watch Dark Gathering on HIDIVE.
Goblin Slayer
I had to get caught up with this one after watching the season premiere. While I’m not up to date I’ve read quite a few of the light novels so I kind of knew of some of the moments to see this season. One thing that I do like about this part of the story is that other characters get their time in, and we see Goblin Slayer interacting more with others. Little things such as some of the previous seen rookies returning and getting some time was nice. One of my favorite scenes was seeing Goblin Slayer out with some other adventurers for a boy’s night. For this season, while I understand the point of the character, I will say the wizard boy is probably the character I like the least in the series. Even with the reveal of his backstory, I still couldn’t care less about him. That being said, the storyline in the elves, territory was one I was interested in seeing this season. While I am not surprised by it they did remember to include the swimsuit scene. As someone with deep interest in Fortean topics, I was also excited to see “the one who stops the river flow.” That and also the fact they ended an episode on Goblin Slayer’s question about elephants. I am liking the new themes, but I am usually a fan of Mili songs so I guess that’s not a surprise. I am interested to see how they finish off the season. – Walter
— You can watch Goblin Slayer on Crunchyroll.
Manga and LNs:
Ume and Momo’s Everyday Life
It’s been a while since the last one, so I was pleased to see a new chapter of Ume and Momo translated and made available this week. Chapter 19 sees Momo catching a cold and Ume being the loving big sister that she is. This one is pure charm, as we see Ume making sure Ume is properly eating and getting plenty of rest, though we do see a moment of hesitation when Ume is checking the prices of cold medicines. We hear you Ume, everything is more expensive everywhere… – Drew D.

Hitomi-chan Is Shy with Strangers
The last several chapters of Hitomi-chan have been quite the ride, pretty much since our heroine and Usami became an official couple. Firstly, I’m impressed that this didn’t take three-hundred chapters to get to this point and, secondly, the progression has been believable and immersive. One effect, however, is that the events and stories have been less about shyness and more about awkward situations. Perhaps now that Hitomi has grown into a more outgoing individual, and in a relationship with the person who has been with her along her journey, we’ll be seeing less of her shyness. And instead, we’ll have more in the ways of the two being put in ridiculous situations. A change, yes, though I have a feeling this shift in themes will work out just fine.
And despite having shared an onsen and, more recently, a bathtub together, the new couple finally had their actual big moment. No, nothing dirty, as this manga is appreciably all ages (sort of). Cliché summer festival, yukata, fireworks and all. – Drew D.
My Dog Becomes a Human (or, Ponta Becomes a Human)
Then there’s this nonsense again. The most recent chapter follows an afghan hound named Hibari with a dual-personality owner. A demon manager at work, she’s a swooner and completely at her dog’s mercy, as Hibari is fully self-absorbed and doesn’t like to interact with anyone. Though, even a dog like this needs attentions once in a while.

Yep, I’ll probably read the next one or two, but whether I’ll waste my words discussing it here is another question entirely… – Drew D.
Ume and Momo fan-translation can be found on Mangadex
The official English publication of Hitomi-chan is Shy with Strangers licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. Fan-translations can be found on Mangadex.
My Dog Becomes a Human fan-translation can be found on Mangadex
What anime are you watching? What manga and light novels are you reading? Let us know in the comments!
You can read previous Week in Anime & Manga entries here!